Monday, August 20, 2012


    We have finally got rid of our land line phone at home.And high time too... the poor thing was just sitting there,gathering dust and cobwebs.(or was that my imagination?or was it looking at us accusingly for neglecting it??)While my husband, me and my daughters did all my telephoning on our mobile phones..@one paisa per minute or whatever it was..these days..using mobile phones over land lines makes less sense.(economically).Mobiles also make for much greater convenience when calling frequently used number,No need to look up the address book listing the phone numbers.(where the hell is the bloody thing?? It was here only the other day..You would be yelling at somebody likewise,,Probably the mother...)
   But, now ,Thanks to the little Genie who lives in the mobile phone,all you have to do is scroll down the list of numbers,hit the call button and "bingo"you are connected.
  Putting land line phone out to pastime or rather into a cupboard which we reserve for things we no longer have need of ,but are reluctant to throw away for sentimental or other reasons._I thought of how technological  change can make useless old things into priceless antiques
  It seems just the other day when a land line telephone was coveted possession which you had to wait for months to get,even with the payment of the official bribe called Tatkal..The first breakthrough that freed telephone from the fixed location geography was the mobile pager(or is it the cordless phone??!!) which itself has become an obsolete ..almost the moment it was devised and was succeeded by the first generation of mobile phones.
  Now lets come to the whole new world of mobile phones,,day by day new ones arrive.defeating the older ones as though they are in a race ,The more the apps the phone had the more Gen Next it was,,The original purpose of talking had been pushed back .. and all other usages are in the front row...(messaging,music,browsing,,and etc ,etc,,)
   In no other field of technology,has change been so rapid..In the world of mobile technology tomorrow is already yesterday!