- It was Narendra Modi all there in the newspapers and social media for the past six months.But the Delhi Elections changed the scenario..Now it is Arvind Kejriwal all over.
This 45 year old, former IRS officer's conduct has changed the very idea of what politician and political party would be.He has reduced the distance between the people and politician.The name of the party itself indicates that he is one for the common man,among the common man-AAM AADMI.The crowd in the Ramlila Maidan on the swearing in ceremony was unimaginarble..It was around one lakh twenty thousand people thronging in and around there to witness their favourite leader..that was double the amount of estimated crowd to be present,Long back when Anna Hazare fasted in the same Ramlila Maidan and if someone would have told that Kejrivwal would become chief minister of Delhi you would have brushed him away saying Nonsense.But today it has happened.Leave alone the big big words the newspapers are using to describe him,In simple words let me say he is an Achiever- He dreamt of something and made that happen Hatsoff to that remarkable quality,I was reminded of the movie -Mudalvan in which Arjun becomes Chief Minister for one day and tries to transform the system,The reel has become real. His election promises were solutions to water,power,inflation and safety to women.Lets wait to see this man doing that..The first piece of show itself proved that he will do it.When the tricky question of acquiring support from Congress emerged Kejriwal wanted the people to decide through sms and phone calls.. Who could even dreamt something like that would ever happen?The way he speaks and the method he work signals us as if he says I am with you. He reminds of a neighbourhood youth who can be trusted.