I have always liked to paint a picture of my family in words . Don't you think that's an interesting job ?! What you know best always comes out in its best !
There's always a cry in the media, social gatherings, or anywhere else, " Gone are the days when members in a family sit and talk together. They were happening when there was the so called joint family in existence. Now there are no more conversations inside the families - TV, computer especially tabs and laptops have taken down all our conversations." I agree to this ., even in my home everyone is addicted to his or her own gadget. It takes turn, tv, laptop or mobile .
However we are all interlinked . Let me explain - my husband on tv channel news , me newspaper, the elder one Facebook and the younger one tumbler or twitter . Whatsoever , when we come out with something , like I would say ' I read this in the newspaper ', every other one would say , I saw in the news , I saw in Facebook , I read in tumbler . It's all the same information , but the source from where we get from differs. The new age one gets from social media, while the Gen y people like me and my husband gets from media.
However I am happy that they get to know things. Instead of being dumb headed , they at least learn to know about things other than movie and music .
Till this day I don't understand the word generation gap . Luckily for me my children come out with everything they know , teach me and let me wander into their world with them. They introduce their friends , music and movies to me and I gladly accept them . The ultimate result is I feel young and happy . Innocence is a bliss , know !! I also crack jokes , recount my childhood pranks, impart life lessons from experience and share interesting anecdotes to them .
I have still now been the biggest support system for my family - both husband and children and will always be .