Thursday, March 26, 2015
ஞாபகம் வருதே.. ஞாபகம் வருதே
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
வாழ்க்கைக் கற்றுத்தந்த பாடங்கள்
Monday, March 9, 2015
Why I am a feminist
Why am I a feminist? Why do I question the society? I ask myself everyday.
My dad taught me everything he knows, let it be technical aspects of his work, his travel logs, love your work talks, freedom, forgiveness. Whenever I do something, my mom comments, “Oh God!! Why are you like your dad? One of him is enough”. I am proud to be his daughter.
I grew up with a bunch of cousins who lived next door. We fought with each other, shared our clothes, toys, and foods and commented on movies too. I remember one incident where all of us created similar email ids for the first time. The Diwali’s, Pongal’s, new years were unforgettable. Being with them made me strong, determined and ambitious.
My parents made my birthdays a celebration. Not just for the three of us but for a big family and friends circle. Even today I get wishes from people who I least expect to remember, let alone wish me. These made me feel special and drive me to make them special too.
Like everybody, I had friends, a lot of friends. Some are still in my life and some are not. I learnt something from each and every friend. My friends taught me to drive, love, be expressive, speak English, empathize, not be judgmental, how to behave when cops caught you. One even taught me how to be safe while traveling in hired vehicles.
Being married changed a lot in my life. Freedom had a different meaning. For a person who fought her battles alone, I had an ally, my husband.
Writing about my mom in her blog seems pointless. For everyone who knows her, you know how remarkable, loving, knowledgeable, fearless and brave she is. She is my inspiration and role model.
Why am I telling you all this?? Oh yes! Why am I a Feminist.Well I really don’t knw why am I a feminist but I can give you a lot of “May Be’s”.
May be because my parents repeated, “You Can Do
Anything, Neeraja” when I grew up.
May be because instead of just listening to her elders
talking about numerology or horoscope my
mom named me after Neeraja Bhanot, a Pan
Am Purser who was shot down while shielding
3 children in 1986 during the PA73 hijack.
May be because my sister looks up to me.
May be because my mom is the strongest person I know
in the world. (I’m not kidding we call her Macho
May be because I keep hearing, “She’s just a
Housewife”, “She’s just a woman”, “Its bad for a
woman to have attitude”.
May be because even in 2015 I hear people saying, “I
need a son to complete my family”.
May be because in this society where a daughter is
taught to cover her body because it provokes
men, while a son is not taught to catcall, abuse
or rape women.
May be because even though there is legal ban against
Child marriage, Polygamy, Rape and Dowry, we
tend to ignore them and request ban on
Comedy Shows, Rape Documentary and
eating Beef.
May be because being a Cow in our country will gain us
more respect than being a woman.
May be because even a literate lawyer goes in front of
an international camera and says “Indian society
has no place for woman”.
May be because, what happened to Joythi Singh might
happen to us next, or worse our daughters.
May be because we lost our respect from other
May be because we value our traditions and honor and
pride more than the happiness and safety and
right of our country.
After all the things happening in our country, on 8th March we still celebrated International Women’s Day without even a glitch of hesitant. I was ashamed to celebrate Women’s Day. I am enraged and ashamed.
Why am I a Feminist? I can keep listing you with reasons but even without a reason “I am a Feminist”.
- Neeraja Navin.