Monday, December 12, 2011


By using computers children could learn new skills and parents learn more knowledge about early childhood development than those who do not own one.Owning a computer especially if loaded with educational software with interactive base of learning is like providing your kids with many books. Letting your kids play computer games could help develop their fine motor skills and reaction time. And, by accessing the internet, parents could read articles and e-books about parenting making them more effective in helping the development of their kids.
Let’s not compare the traditional approach of learning with computer-based learning in teaching young children intellectual skills or make it as replacement for traditional activities. Let’s make it an additional learning opportunity for children to learn new things instead. Human interaction with parents, teacher and other kids is essential for kids to learn more so as letting them have physical interactions with objects such as blocks, sand, finger paints, and other learning materials.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

my books

I have been collecting books  for the past twenty five years.Books are my darling.. so i dont tend to give them away to anyone.,but old books face  deadly enemies- the pages become brittle and they crumble.the dyes in printing and binding materials make the pages fade.Moreover the books become outdated.Information stored in them turn out to be wrong and misleading...with fast changing world everything seems to change everyday .Internet seem to be perfect source of correct information..When I ask my children to read them they simply laugh at me and teach me to surf the net. Paradoxically they turn  out to be right..... now am I to protect those old precious volumes  or just discard them????

Sunday, February 20, 2011

new year resolutions

it is the second month of the year ,by now everyone must have broken your new year resolution.Fortunately  I didnt made any one .With lots and lots of information available on magazines , newspapers, books and on the internet_about how to set goals and attaining them.....I am scared of them. so , what I do is -when i need to do something to be done,I do it at once. no time fixing . this makes everything easy.

Saturday, January 29, 2011