Monday, February 17, 2014

V Day !!

 This Valentines day I was watching over the hype made by the media.In our days days we didnt have Valentines day , but still love was in the air.
On a serious note-
                              Love can be simply defined as the best feeling one can experience in ones  life. Feb 14, Valentines day - is a special day for lovers. It is said that on this day, lovers speak their hearts and celebrate their success of togetherness. However this day has been highly merchandised. It has been branded as the festival of Love. The one day when it feels like only lovers exist on Earth. The lovers get all the universal attention they need. Music channels are flooded with love songs, movie channels are loaded with romantic movies, restaurants call for a fancy dinner or undisturbed lunch in a cozy corner with innovative menus. Chocolates, ice-creams, cakes -everything calling for love. And without the mention of it, it would be incomplete - bouquet of roses, which reign the entire day- symbolising love, care and affection. SMS ,cards saying love messages are on full swing. DIAMONDS ARE FOR EVER - Money cant buy you love , but a lot of money can be spent on love-Diamond rings and pendants play a vital role as Valentines gift.


To be personal-
But in my life Love came in with my marriage. Love was offered as package with my husband to me.It was as if he walked into my life and just like that we made the best pair for ever. Love was there more than you can imagine and it still goes on and on even after 27 years. Actually , marriage changes an individuals life in many ways. It brings lots of joys , additional responsibilities and not to forget,worries in small measures. As we try to adjust the new person into our lives ,the smooth road of  our life becomes rough and strong Since my marriage my  husband has become my best friend and he was the one who taught me to enjoy little little things in life. Valentines day celebrations brought me gushing memories in my life path. Though I was not gifted Valentines gift , I  have, of course been showered with gifts all alongwhile by my husband. Though I had never been on a date,  I have been to a lot of candle lit dinners. Roses had been replaced with jasmine flowers , diamond rings were replaced by Kanjivaram sarees and a peck on my cheeks and pat on my shoulders were my valentine cards.I am not debating about the age old Love or critisizing the modern saga of love .But I am of stubborn opinion that love in those days were not bit inferior to the modern pompous version with Valentines day.
A  few tips-
Last week Pope had an advice for all couples to lead a happy life.He advised couples to use please , sorry and thank you as much as possible.I have a piece of advice for all the couples on this V day to have their love last longer-Saying I Love You as  often as possible is the secret behind the successful life. Unexpected romantic surprises  will also spice up your love. Having arguments also add magic to it. But one important thing , one should be able to say sorry and admit his or her faults.