Thursday, June 11, 2015

What I learnt from YouTube


" You are only as old as you feel", as the saying goes, Age can play with our minds , tricking us to believe that either we know everything or we are too old to know anything. I always wanted to stay young in my thoughts, stay connected with the present generation, know and learn more things of the modern days. How to do this? I asked my sixteen year old daughter. She laughed and said," It's simple ma.., throw away your books and stop reading newspapers. Everything is available online. Go to Facebook and get connected with friends. Watch YouTube and learn everything through it." Gotcha..I am already in Facebook., so I realised YouTube was the only thing I am missing out and decided to conquer the YouTube Kingdom. 

         On entering into the world of YouTube I found that anything and everything under the sky is available there. Just type how to and even before you finish typing , the search offers immense  options for you to watch. Got carried away by the suggestions I began watching them. Endless number of videos were rolling. As I watched each video the little column on the right of my YouTube window kept offering up more and more delights. 
     The first thing my daughter told me was in addition to watching videos, I have to subscribe them, so that I wil be getting their regular updates. Being a sincere student , I subscribed to my favourite videos, followed on Twitter and Instagram and subscribed for their newsletters. She was watching a whole lot of fun videos, whereas I was watching personality development videos. It makes a lot of difference . There was a huge marketing behind the videos which I was watching. Now my mail box is filled with junk mail. Offers are given for their courses and frequent reminders about how I would be missing them out, if I delay in registering . Those newsletters would begin like hi muru ( they would address me as their long lost friend, even my close friends don't address with such a deariness) and then announce fabulous offers which others don't avail , etc.,etc.,
Now it  has become my daily duty to delete those unwanted mails. So now when I open my Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram , everywhere these same set of people come and announce their offers, which I am missing out. Oh God!! What next??Will they come and knock at my door and remind me what to do?!
            Have you noticed one thing in the Internet? We often search for something and hours later realise that we have landed in something completely not related to the initial search . The search leads us in hundred different directions and we get stuck into the swirling abyss of Internet. Once I was watching a video about fitness . After two hours I ended watching a weird video of a kid telling how to break into someone else house without their knowledge. It was a funny video and  I was surprised to know even it had about 3500 views and likes. Turns out my search had unknowingly directed me there. 
       Often people complain that Internet is huge waste of time while learning something. But it helps us save hours upon hours of time wasted on research and traveling to library. Even if I agree more time is wasted on surfing, the brighter side is we learn to be efficient on using it and learning is never a waste of time..
       I found out a wonderful video about Chennai . It was a treasure trove . Amar Ramesh has shot the beauty of the Chennai city with his Iphone6. It is so wonderful that it become viral when released in YouTube. Apple uses his video for advertising. Search Amar Ramesh videos.
   After wandering in YouTube , I have got few opinions about You Tubers. To become a YouTuber you can either be well versed with your subject or have the least knowledge , but you should be able to present it with enthusiasm and subtle humour. Being original and dealing popular likes and demands are always welcomed. Humour videos are evergreen. 
         Anyhow YouTube really played a wonderful part in my wish to stay young. Miley Cyrus and Bruno Mars who were Latin and Greek to me are now in my search history . Thanks to YouTube for teaching me to understand what my children love , hear and watch.



  1. It's very difficult to understand the young generation . But as your suggestions say we can stay updated and young in mind irrespective of age .

    1. True sir .. It's difficult to understand them . But I simply beleive in them and encourage them , which makes them closer to me .
